Feb 18, 2022

Taking good care of your tires is essential for the safety of your vehicle. What’s more, regular maintenance appointments with your mechanic will save you a lot of money because your tires will last longer. An essential part of keeping them in good condition is the tire rotation, which should be completed on a regular basis at your local Ford dealer. Let’s have a closer look at why this is so important for your car and how often you need to stop by our Rochester location.

Does My Car Need a Tire Rotation?

Rotating your tires means taking them off and putting the ones at the front of your vehicle to the back and vice versa. In some cases, they are also switched from side to side. All cars benefit from this process since it allows the tires to wear down more evenly. As a result, they will last longer, and you will notice that your vehicle’s traction and handling improves.

Depending on the type of Ford you drive, wear and tear will work differently. For instance, a car with a front-wheel-drive will use up the front tires more than the back ones. The highly trained mechanics at your local dealership can tell you how to best rotate the tires, and they will be happy to do it for you.

How Often Is Rotation Necessary? 

When you first get your new tires, you should come back to the dealership to have them rotated after around 5,000 miles. This initial rotation is the most important because the tread is the deepest on new tires, and they are therefore more prone to uneven wear and tear. After this, most people complete the rotation whenever they get their oil changed. When you book your first appointment, we can help you decide how often to come see us for this type of service.

Why Choose the Ford Dealer for My Appointment? 

Many mechanics can rotate the tires, so why should you choose the brand-specific dealership? The answer is that the technicians working at a Ford-approved service center will have much more knowledge about your vehicle. They have been trained to work with Fords specifically and can therefore service your car much better than a general mechanic.

At the time of your appointment, your technicians might perform some additional checks to make sure your car is running smoothly. This early inspection can indicate budding problems, which can then be addressed before they spiral out of control. As a result, you can save a lot of money and hassle, since you won’t have to deal with the bigger repairs later on.

You can prolong the life of your tires and increase the safety of your Ford by completing a rotation on a regular basis. Most vehicles will function best if you go to your dealership approximately every 5,000 miles. The safest place to have your car serviced is almost always the brand-name dealership because the mechanics there are highly trained. Call or email us today at Rochester Ford to speak to one of our professionals or book your initial appointment.