Oct 1, 2021

We don’t often think about our vehicle’s radiator, but it performs a critical job: ensuring the engine doesn’t overheat and leave us in the lurch on the side of the road! If you need a radiator repair, it’s time for a trip to your Ford dealer in Rochester, MN so that our certified technicians can get your Ford safely back on the road.

Keeping Your Ford Cool

The radiator is part of a larger cooling system that also includes a fan, belt, water pump, thermostat, and several hoses. If any of these components break down, your car will promptly begin to overheat. If not dealt with immediately, you can find yourself with some very expensive engine damage that is much more complicated to fix than a simple cooling system repair.

Warning Signs That You Need a Radiator Repair

The most obvious sign that your cooling system could be in trouble is a rising number on your vehicle’s temperature gauge.  If this is ignored, you will soon be faced with an even more obvious sign – white steam pouring out from under the hood of your car.

If you notice a puddle of green liquid under the front of your vehicle, this is a coolant leak. While this doesn’t seem quite as dramatic as the white steam, diminishing coolant can quickly lead to a very bad situation and needs to be addressed right away.

A Trip to Your Ford Dealer in Rochester, MN

If your vehicle is in an advanced stage of overheating, you will need to pull over immediately and call for a tow service to our dealership. Hopefully, we will be catching the issue at an early enough stage that a simple repair can be done on the spot.

Your Ford might be low on coolant levels, or a leak could have formed. These are relatively straightforward fixes. The worst case scenario (assuming you came in before any engine damage occurred) is that the radiator itself is beyond repair and needs to be replaced.

Servicing Your Ford the Right Way

If your Ford does need work done on the cooling system or any other component of the vehicle, it is so important to have this work done by someone who truly understands your Ford car, truck, or SUV. Our Ford-certified technicians have seen every worst-case scenario and know how to fix them all. Most importantly, we only use the factory parts and materials specified for your make and model.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

If you stick to your vehicle’s recommended twice-per-year service visit, our technicians will likely be able to pinpoint small issues (such as low coolant) before they become major problems (such as being stranded on the highway with an overheating car). As with all of your Ford’s components, being proactive about maintenance can make all the difference when it comes to staying safe on the road.

If you have any concerns about your radiator or other parts on your Ford, call us right away at Rochester Ford! We will get your vehicle back in top shape so you can feel confident behind the wheel.