Jan 14, 2022

Your brakes shouldn’t squeak, and there are several other things that healthy brakes shouldn’t do, either. We want to tell you all about the things your brakes shouldn’t be doing. If your brakes do anything outlined below, then it’s time to visit your Ford dealer for a brake repair. Don’t delay, as your brakes are the most vital safety component in your vehicle.

Signs You Need a Brake Repair From Your Ford Dealer

1. You Have Squeaking Brakes

A squeaking, grinding, or squealing noise usually means you need to replace your brake pads. The sound comes from where the metal parts of your worn-down brake pads are scratching against your rotors. This is a brake pad wear indicator. The noise isn’t necessarily bad, so don’t worry. There’s nothing broken in your vehicle. It simply means you need a routine brake pad replacement, and you should get one as soon as you can to keep your brakes in good condition.

2. You Have Soft Brakes

There’s supposed to be resistance when you press down on your brake pedal. This is what gives you control over how quickly and harshly you brake. However, you may find that one day your brake pedal goes right to the floor. This is cause for concern. You may have air in the lines, a fluid leak, or problems with your brake pads. It doesn’t matter what the cause is, though. This is a problem you need to fix ASAP.

Soft brake pedals often lead to reduced brake function. You’ll have longer stopping distances, and you won’t be able to control how quickly or softly you brake. This is an accident waiting to happen, and sometimes your brakes will stop functioning entirely when you have this issue. If you feel unsafe driving with your brakes in this condition, then we highly recommend getting towed to the dealer.

3. You Have Vibrating Brakes

Your brake pedal shouldn’t shake when you use it, but sometimes it will. Sometimes your entire car will shake, too. This is usually because your brake rotors need replacing. They’ve worn down unevenly, and that’s causing the vibrations you’re experiencing. Feeling these vibrations means your braking power is reduced, and that’s not something you want for your vehicle. The vibrations may seem harmless, but they’re a sign that you need a repair quickly.

4. You Have a Brake Fluid Leak

Brake fluid leaks are a major, obvious sign that something is wrong. You may spot brake fluid dripping out of your vehicle. The fluid looks somewhat like motor oil, except it’s a light yellow color instead of amber. It may appear dark yellow if it’s been in your vehicle a long time. In some cases, the fluid will appear brown. If you spot a pool of liquid in any of these colors, then it’s likely brake fluid.

We can provide all the repair work you need, so come by Rochester Ford to let us fix your Ford. We’ll make sure it’s functioning in top condition before you drive it home again.