Aug 17, 2020

While the winter months in Minnesota might have you spending more time indoors, summer months see you spending more time outside. Also, if you’re like many people, summertime marks the time to hit the road for vacations, weekend adventures, and other outings. But it’s important to keep your vehicle clean, especially in the summer so follow these simple tips to keep it shining.washing and waxing a car during a summer car cleaning routine

Wash and Wax the Exterior

Although the winter might see your car covered in snow and ice, the summer months kick up the dirt and dust. Your vehicle’s paint acts like a magnet to attract particles and over time this can cause damage to the finish. Washing your car can be the easiest way to fix this. It’s best to wash your vehicle weekly during the summer.

You should also take care of the exterior by applying wax. Polishing the car can keep the paint smooth and add a layer of protection against the elements.


After you’re done washing the exterior of your car, it’s time to focus on the interior. Even if you don’t enjoy vacuuming, it’s essential to keep the car’s inside clean. When taking your car to a car wash, stop afterward and vacuum your car.

Sand on the floors can wear out your mats faster since it’s abrasive. Take your time to vacuum all parts of the seats to get rid of crumbs and dirt. If you have children, pay additional attention to the rear seats. Remove car seats if applicable to get rid of anything that accumulated beneath it.  Don’t forget to vacuum the trunk as well.

Remove Sticky Spills

Ordering a refreshing beverage is the perfect way to celebrate summer, but what happens when that drink spills inside your car? Are you quick to clean it up, or does it sit for a while until it develops mold? Sticky residue can cause damage to your cup holders, console, and floor.

When liquids soak into the floorboard, it can cause mold to form. That makes the spill not only a sticky mess but it creates a health hazard, especially when you throw summer heat into the picture. If you cannot clean up the spill right away, do so as quickly as possible. Take out your floor mats and give them a light shampoo.

Add Trash Bags

To prevent spills or crumbs from finding their way into all your car’s crevices, consider adding trash bags to the interior of your car. All cars should have at least one trash bag, but two is better.

For the front seat, loop the handles of the plastic grocery bag over the center console or emergency brake. When it’s full, remove it, tie the handles, and place it in a trash bin. If you want a bag in the back seat, you can hang a bag from the front-seat headrest or place one near the center console.

Before you head out on your road trip, take time this summer to care for your car, inside and out. Whether it’s a windshield full of bugs, food wrappers covering the inside, or floor mats covered in sand, it’s vital to keep your car clean.